Your search for "World Veterinary Association" return 52 results.
PANOQUELL®-CA1 (fuzapladib sodium for injection) is now available in the U.S. >
The first and only drug conditionally approved by the FDA for management of the symptoms associated with acute onset of canine pancreatitis
WVA Global Veterinary Awards launched >
New awards recognize work in One Health, Animal Welfare, Medicine Stewardship and Veterinary Education
Ceva Launches Wildlife Research Fund >
Ceva Wildlife Research Fund, the first endowment fund dedicated to research to protect wildlife.
Ceva Returns Strong Double-Digit Growth in 2019; Plans to Double sales by 2020. >
Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached more than €1.2 billion in 2019.
If Your Pet is Behaving Badly, It’s Probably Just Stressed Out >
De-stress Your Pet Month is the perfect time for pet owners to reduce fear and anxiety, and improve health and wellbeing
The Pet Doctor is World’s First Fear Free Certified Veterinary Practice >
Missouri veterinary hospital recognized for dedication to emotional and physical well-being of pets in their care
FELISCRATCH lets cats scratch without destroying their owner’s furniture.
Dr. Kelli Jones Speaks at Welfare and Biosecurity Seminar >
Industry leaders from around the world recently gathered in Nashville for the 2017 Live Production, Welfare and Biosecurity Seminar.
Ceva sponsors 2017 Global Animal Welfare Awards. >
Awards will honor veterinarians who provide exemplary welfare-related services.
Ceva plans many activities at IPPE 2017 >
Ceva Animal Health has planned a number of activities for attendees at the International Production and Processing Exposition (IPPE) taking place this week in Atlanta.